Manage Your Prior Authorization for DME with GoTelecare
Getting better in your accounts receivable in your DME claims will eventually depend on your excellent practice management practices. GoTelecare has been largely responsible in eliminating proven pain areas with most providers in the DME space. We can proudly speak about ourselves as a next gen DME billing company that has the experience of working with over 100 clients in DME only.
We lay down the right checks and balances with prior authorization for DME. Our very own proprietary platform “Prior auth online” has been precisely developed to automate verification and authorization process. In fact, we believe in bettering your denial management attributes than anyone else.
Our team will be working in tandem and help you in recovering better from your aging accounts. GoTelecare is the only revenue cycle management company that can reduce your billing costs by 70%, improve your collections by 97%!
Our superior processes, dynamic pool of expert billers will eliminate loopholes and make the entire revenue cycle management priorities a lot simpler. A streamlined DME billing will be our pledge to you and to achieve we will be implementing our functional best practices to better it.
Ask our experts on how we demonstrate much better access with no installation charges. We offer you a seamless transition that no other medical billing company can afford. Our commitment to provide you powerful DME billing support with our robust processes and resources is of paramount importance.
We guarantee you before you partner with us – commitment to work as your reliable operational extension that synchronizes perfectly with your business processes. Learn from GoTelecare how we maximize your profits; improve your competitive credibility & compliance as a provider. We help you focus on patient care as we better your medical billing mandates.